Celebrating Chelsea Gieryic’s Promotion to Associate at Livable Cities Studio

Livable Cities Studio is thrilled to announce the promotion of Chelsea Gieryic, AICP, to Associate. With five years of dedicated experience and a deep commitment to community-focused design, Chelsea has proven herself as a key player in our team, bringing thoughtful and impactful solutions to projects that matter most to our communities. Holding a dual […]
The Denver Moves: Cherry Creek plan is complete!

We’re excited to celebrate the completion of the Denver Moves: Cherry Creek (DMCC) plan! Livable Cities Studio supported the project team, which was led by Fehr & Peers. Our work focused on the urban design and landscape architecture elements within the plan, including a study and conceptual design for various trail segments, with the goal […]
Community-led mural completed at Russell Square Park!

We’re excited to see the community-led mural complete at Russell Square Park! The community driven piece by local artist Lauri Keener was recently completed as the final touch on the newly renovated park. Lauri worked closely with an amazing group of leaders from Youth Advisory Council to design and paint the community mural. The park’s […]
Will completes Downtown Denver Partnership Leadership Program!

We’re excited to congratulate William V. Viitanen for completing the Downtown Denver Partnership Leadership Program! “The program was an awesome experience and opportunity to make relationships with a diverse group of community leaders and to support the DDP in realizing their vision for ¡Viva Streets!,” said Will. The Leadership Program develops downtown Denver’s future leaders, […]
Livable Cities Studio receives APA Colorado Award for Outdoor Adventure & Alternative Sports Strategic Plan!

Happy to share our team’s American Planning Associate (APA) Colorado award for the Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Strategic Plan, which we completed in partnership with Denver Parks and Recreation! Meredith received the award alongside DPR’s Owen Wells and Stacie West at the annual APA Conference. The plan builds upon the vision in Denver’s ‘Game […]
Joseph P. Martinez Vision Plan featured on Denver 8’s ‘Elevating Denver’ segment

Exciting to see one of our projects, Martinez Park, featured on Denver 8’s Elevating Denver segment! Private Joe P. Martinez was the first Latino and Coloradan to be awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II and in 1966, the City and County of Denver named an 11-acre park in the Villa Park neighborhood […]
Chelsea named a Volunteer of the Year by ASLA Colorado!

Congratulations to our very own Chelsea Gieryic for being named a Volunteer of the Year by ASLA Colorado! Chelsea is currently serving her second term as the Chapter’s Vice President of Communications. In this role, she organized and facilitated the Chapter’s first Instagram takeover in celebration of World Landscape Architecture Month. Chelsea is also active […]
Meredith honored at Biznow’s Denver Women Leading Real Estate event!

Congratulations to Livable Cities Studio President and Founder, Meredith Wenskoski, for being honored at Biznow’s Denver Women Leading Real Estate event! She was also quoted in Biznow’s feature article. “Design needs the perspectives of many, and women and people of color have a critical voice in shaping our cities and community spaces,” Livable Cities Studio […]
Livable Cities Studio completes La Alma-Lincoln Park Vision Plan

Livable Cities Studio is excited to celebrate the completion of Denver Parks and Recreation’s La Alma-Lincoln Park Vision Plan! This plan illustrates the community vision and guides future improvements for the 15.4-acre park located just southwest of downtown Denver. “Alma” translates to “soul” and this park has historically functioned as the heart and soul of […]
Livable Cities Studio named Small Business Award winner by The Denver Business Journal

We are thrilled and deeply honored to have been named a Small Business Award Winner as part of the Denver Business Journal’s (DBJ) Small Business Awards Program! Each year the DBJ honors excellence and resilience among small businesses and highlights…