The Northwest Aurora Multimodal Study envisioned mobility enhancements to the northwest portion of Aurora, the oldest and currently most urban area of the city. Characterized by a traditional grid network of streets, fine-grained and mixed-use land development patterns, and an extremely diverse population, the overall area includes three major activity centers or corridors: Fitzsimons Campus, Colfax Avenue, and the Aurora Arts District. Ongoing redevelopment at Stapleton, just to the north and east, and emerging redevelopment at Stanley Marketplace created the need for mobility and placemaking strategies that could address the ongoing changes.
Livable Cities Studio worked with the City of Aurora and the projet team to develop integrated mobility network solutions paired with urban design placemaking, water quality, and public art components. The comprehensive approach focused on improvements that would promote walkability, biking, traffic calming, and alternate forms of transportation while embracing the existing neighborhood context and amenities. The 10-month process included three community meetings, online surveys, and individual stakeholder meetings.