Livable Cities Studio receives APA Colorado Award for Outdoor Adventure & Alternative Sports Strategic Plan!
Happy to share our team’s American Planning Associate (APA) Colorado award for the Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Strategic Plan, which we completed in partnership with Denver Parks and Recreation! Meredith received the award alongside DPR’s Owen Wells and Stacie West at the annual APA Conference. The plan builds upon the vision in Denver’s ‘Game […]
Joseph P. Martinez Vision Plan featured on Denver 8’s ‘Elevating Denver’ segment
Exciting to see one of our projects, Martinez Park, featured on Denver 8’s Elevating Denver segment! Private Joe P. Martinez was the first Latino and Coloradan to be awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II and in 1966, the City and County of Denver named an 11-acre park in the Villa Park neighborhood […]
Livable Cities Studio completes La Alma-Lincoln Park Vision Plan
Livable Cities Studio is excited to celebrate the completion of Denver Parks and Recreation’s La Alma-Lincoln Park Vision Plan! This plan illustrates the community vision and guides future improvements for the 15.4-acre park located just southwest of downtown Denver. “Alma” translates to “soul” and this park has historically functioned as the heart and soul of […]
Livable Cities Studio completes Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Master Plan
Livable Cities Studio is thrilled to celebrate the completion of Denver Parks and Recreation’s (DPR) first Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Strategic Plan (OAAS) . The plan creates a 20-year strategic framework that diversifies current recreation opportunities by providing new ways to engage with and recreate in the outdoors. The plan seeks to address the […]