We Put People First

Livable Cities Studio is an urban design and landscape architecture studio focused on addressing the needs of the contemporary city by uniting people through public spaces and connections to the natural environment. The studio is based on the idea of creating places for people and human experience. We focus on city building and addressing the complex needs of urbanization and change in our cities. We aim to create livable cities that unite people through public spaces that are designed for inclusion, social purpose and emphasize human experience.

Projects & Collaborations

We are city builders, shaping the built environment at the urban scale and creating living places with distinct value by transforming communities into places of greater vibrancy and public use.

Our Latest News

The Denver Moves: Cherry Creek plan is complete!

We’re excited to celebrate the completion of the Denver Moves: Cherry Creek (DMCC) plan!  Livable Cities Studio supported the project team, which was led by Fehr & Peers. Our work focused on the urban design and landscape architecture elements within the plan, including a study and conceptual design for various

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Community-led mural completed at Russell Square Park!

We’re excited to see the community-led mural complete at Russell Square Park! The community driven piece by local artist Lauri Keener was recently completed as the final touch on the newly renovated park. Lauri worked closely with an amazing group of leaders from Youth Advisory Council to design and paint

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Will completes Downtown Denver Partnership Leadership Program!

We’re excited to congratulate William V. Viitanen for completing the Downtown Denver Partnership Leadership Program! “The program was an awesome experience and opportunity to make relationships with a diverse group of community leaders and to support the DDP in realizing their vision for ¡Viva Streets!,” said Will. The Leadership Program

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Meet Our Team

Meredit Wenskoski

Todd Wenskoski

Will Viitanen
Associate Principal

Yishuen Lo
Senior Associate

Conrey Morris
Associate, Landscape Architect

Melanie Carpenter
Landscape Architect

Chelsea Gieryic
Landscape Designer

Lauren Kelly
Landscape Designer

Madison Wulfkuhle
Landscape designer